A simple yet stylish signature Mulberry tartan design, perfect for bringing a warm and welcoming touch to your interior.
Composition: 100%PaperWidth: 70.0 cm (28″)Vertical Repeat: 23.0 cm (9″)Roll length: 10m
After Care: Spongeable
Design Code: Aqua FG100.R104, Woodsmoke FG100.V110, Teal FG100.R11, Red/Plum FG100.V54, Red/Blue FG100.V110, Lovat/Red FG100.R114, Indigo FG100.H10, Emerald FG100.S16
*Printed to order in the UK
*Delivery time 14 days
Mulberry Home was created in 1991 following the global success of Mulberrys beautiful leather bags and accessories. The company was established in Somerset in 1971 with quality and craftsmanship re-inforcing the companys uniquely individual style.
Proud of its origins, Mulberry Home continues to draw inspiration from this heritage whilst remaining a committed pioneer of fashionable trends. Each distinctive Mulberry Home collection has a different theme, always introducing new ideas and colours but at all times retaining the spirit of the brand.
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